
Preencha as colunas com HOW MUCH ou HOW MANY: a) Boys are there in the class? -- There are tem boys. b)


- Inglês

Preencha as colunas com HOW MUCH ou HOW MANY:a) Boys are there in the class? -- There are tem boys. b) Water do you want? -- I want one glass of water.
c) Salt do I need to put here? -- Just a little bit.
d) Skits are there on the table? -- There are three. e) Yogurt is there in the fridge? -- There is one bottle.

1 Resposta


a) How many

b) How much

c) How much

d) How many

e) How many


How many: usado quando se pode contar o que se é perguntado

How much: quando não se sabe a quantidade exata

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