
Expanded Noun Phrases A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea in a sentence. A simple noun phrase is when


- Inglês

Expanded Noun Phrases A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea in a sentence. A simple noun phrase is when a word is added to the noun that modifies the noun so girl is now the girl. An expanded noun phrase adds adjectives, or details to the noun phrase. The girl turns into the tall, leggy girl. This is an expanded noun phrase. Directions: Read each sentence. Fill in the blanks to create an expanded noun phrase. 1. The , girl stood patiently waiting for her ride. 2. A(n) , kitten leaped into the air to try and catch the butterfly. 3. The graceful horse trotted around the , arena. 4. The bright, white room was blinding for the , boy. 5. A(n) , star burned brightly against the night sky. 6. A(n) , balloon floated aimlessly into the sky. 7. What did your , dog do to make such a mess? 8. Where are your , socks right now? 9. The , coffee was poured and waiting to be enjoyed.

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