
2 – Why was the man’s name in the newspapers that day? a) Because he was lifting a fat broth into his

2 – Why was the man’s name in the newspapers that day? a) Because he was lifting a fat broth into his mouth.

b) Because he was eating with a spoon.

c) Because the poet saw him eating soup.

d) Because he was bending his head over a plate.

e) Because he was famous.

3 – The poet’s words teach us

a) That some people do common things in a special way.

b) That even famous people like soup.

c) That we are all made of the same stuff – rich or poor, general or soldier,

celebrity or common person.

d) That you should eat soup if you want to become famous.

e) That you should not bend your head over a plate while eating soup.

Language Questions

4 – Mark the question for which this could be the answer:

“I saw a famous man eating soup.”

a) Who was the man?

b) What did you see?

c) What did he do?

d) Who was eating?

e) What did he eat?

5 – Mark the question for which this could be the answer:

“He sat bending his head over a plate…”

a) How did he sit?

b) What did he do with his head?

c) When did you see him?

d) Why did he bend his head?

e) When did he eat?

6 – Pesquise em livros ou na Internet sobre o Simple Past e o Past Continuous. Qual a

diferença entre eles, onde são usados. Quais as regras de terminação dos verbos

regulares no passado e dos verbos no gerúndio. Veja também a lista de verbos

irregulares. Quais você já conhece? Selecione mais 10 verbos e estude-os para

enriquecer seu vocabulário.​

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