
Complete the sentences using prepositions of place. a. The museum is _ the bookstore.b. The red hair girl


- Química

Complete the sentences using prepositions of place.a. The museum is _ the bookstore.

b. The red hair girl is _ a boy and another girl.

c. The sculpture is _ the table.

d. The pictures and the sculpture are _ the museum.

e. The girl is _ the boy.

f. The boy with green t-shirt is _ his friends.

next to - next to - in - on - on - on

next to - between - on - in - behind - among

in - between - in - in - behind - among

next to - between - on - in - on - between

next to - between - on - in - in -in

Complete the sentences using prepositions of place.a. The museum is ______ the bookstore.b. The

1 Resposta


Next to - between - on - in - behind - among

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