
Write C for countable nouns and U for uncountable nouns. (Escreva C para nomes contáveis e U para nomes

Write C for countable nouns and U for uncountable nouns. (Escreva C paranomes contáveis e U para nomes incontáveis.)

( ) Rachel bought some special SOAP to wash her dog.

( ) Tourists can see plenty of FLOWERS when they visit Holland.

( ) I have a little MONEY. I think it’s enough buy a hot dog.

( ) There are many different ethnic COMMUNITIES in the U. S.

( ) Jim always has a lot of HOMEWORK to do.

( ) There aren’t many TOURISTS around here in winter.

ajuda aí gente​

1 Resposta


(u ) Rachel bought some special SOAP to wash her dog.

Soap - uncountable noun. Não tem plural. Não podemos contar. O que contamos é a quantidade >> 1 barra, 1 caixa, etc. (obs.: 'soap' também pode significar novela, dependendo do contexto)

(c) Tourists can see plenty of FLOWERS when they visit Holland.

Flowers - countable noun. Tem plural e podemos contar >>> 5 flowers - 15 flowers, etc.

(u ) I have a little MONEY. I think it’s enough buy a hot dog.

Money - uncountable noun - Não tem plural. Não podemos contar. O que contamos é real, dolar, euro, libra, etc.

(c ) There are many different ethnic COMMUNITIES in the U.S.

Communities - countable noun - Tem plural e podemos contar >>> 3 communities, many comnunities, 10 communities, etc.

(u ) Jim always has a lot of HOMEWORK to do.

(c ) There aren’t many TOURISTS around here in winter.

Tourists - countable noun - Tem plural e podemos contar >>> 5 tourists - 10 tourists, etc.


Bons estudos :)

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