
To talk about family members Read the text below to answer questions 1 and 2. Julia's familyHi! My

To talk about family membersRead the text below to answer questions 1 and 2. Julia's family
Hi! My name's Julia and I'm 10 years old I live in Fortaleza with my family Manoel and
my parents. I have two sisters - Laura and Ana My grandmother is very cool. She is Cecilie
lovely grandpa They live in Fortaleza too. I have two pets - a dog named Sansão and a cat
I love my family
1. Match the columns with the correct family relationship according to the te
a). Manoel andClaudia
b) Claudia
c) Manoel
d) Laura and Ana
e) Cecilia and Pedro
Sansdo and Rose
Grandparents Sisters
Grandmother Grandma
Grandfather 1 Grandpa​

0 Respostas

Santosamanda está aguardando sua ajuda.

1 Resposta

1. Is it right to eat fatty food? RESPOSTA: No, it isn't
2. Do you have a good health? RESPOSTA: Yes, I do
3. What happens if you eat fatty food?  RESPOSTA: I won't be healthy
4. Are you from Italy?  RESPOSTA: No, I'm not
5. What kind of food is good for you? RESPOSTA: Healthy food

Espero ter ajudado! ​

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