
Reescreva as frases no present perfect nas formas afirmativas, negativa e interrogativa 4 We sing all night


- Inglês

Reescreva as frases no present perfect nas formas afirmativas, negativa e interrogativa 4 We sing all night long

5. They clean the house

6 Paul and Carlo bring their stuff

7. Your mother just called you.

me ajudem, darei como melhor resposta.​

1 Resposta


1. I have gone to the library today.
I haven’t gone to the library today.
Have I gone to the library today?

2. You have kept a pet for three years.
You haven’t kept a pet for three years.
Have you kept a dog for three years?

3. You have eaten thai food before.
You haven’t eaten thai food before.
Have you eaten thai food before?

4. It has rained all day.
It hasn’t rained all day.
Has it rained all day?

5. We have heard that song already.
We haven’t heard that song YET.
Have we heard that song already?

6. He has forgotten his books.
He hasn’t forgotten his books.
Has he forgotten his books?​

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