
Read the text. (Copie o texto e as questões no caderno, depois responda-as)At The park   Right now I


- Inglês

Read the text. (Copie o texto e as questões no caderno, depois responda-as)
At The park
   Right now I am looking at a picture of Darla. She is not at home in the picture. She is at the park. She is sitting on a bench. She is eating her lunch. Some boys and girls are   running on a patch in the park. A squirrel is sitting on the ground in front of Darla. The  squirrel is eating a nut. Darla is watching the squirrel. She always watches squirrels when  she eats her lunch in the park. Some ducks are swimming in the pond in the picture, and   some birds are flying in the sky. A policeman is riding a horse. He rides a horse in the park every day. Near Darla, a family is having a picnic. They go on a picnic every week. 

1- O que o eu-lírico está olhando?
R: She is at the Park
2- De acordo com o texto, onde Darla está localizada na foto?

3- O que darla faz neste local?

4- Quem está andando a cavalo na imagem e, com qual freqüência ele pratica essa ação?

6-Descreva o nome de todos os animais presentes na cena.

7- No caderno de inglês ou no verso da folha, desenhe a imagem observada, depois pinte sua obra de arte. 

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