
Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase no Simple Future “I free time tomorrow”: * 4


- Inglês

Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase no Simple Future “I free time tomorrow”: * 4 pontos Have. Have will. Will have. 2. Qual a forma AFIRMATIVA correta no Simple Future da frase “I study at night”: * 4 pontos I study will at night. I will study at night. I will not study at night. 3. Assinale a forma NEGATIVA da frase “Paul will paint the house”: * 4 pontos Paul not will paint the house. Paul won’t paint the house. Paul not will painted the house. 4. Assinale a forma INTERROGATIVA da frase “The computers will decide our future”: * 4 pontos The computers will decide our future? The computers won’t decide our future? Will the computers decide our future? 5. Leia as frases abaixo, e assinale a única frase que está escrita corretamente conforme as regras gramaticais do futuro simples. * 4 pontos We meet will at school. Will Mary sit near me. I not will write letters to my friends. They won´t study in the same class.

1 Resposta


02 ,o sujeito está oculto.

03, j simples


l. composto.

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