
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: PRESENTE CONTÍNUO: O Present Continuous é uma ação contínua que está acontecendo


- Inglês

PRESENT CONTINUOUS: PRESENTE CONTÍNUO: O Present Continuous é uma ação contínua que está acontecendo no presente. Ele é composto do verbo To Be no presente mais o verbo da frase na forma ing ( gerúndio ).

Verbo To Be = Am, Is, Are.
Exemplo : I am reading a magazine. Eu estou lendo uma revista.


1 – Write the sentences in the Present Continuous: Escreva as sentenças no Presente Contínuo:
Ex : – I write the letter.
I am writing the letter.

A – She reads a book.

B – You wash the dishes.

C -We study Portuguese.

D – They have Money.

E – He does the homework.

2 – Write the sentences in the Simple Present: Escreva as sentenças no Presente Simples:
Ex : I am reading the email. Eu estou lendo o email. I read the email. Eu leio o email.

A – He is paying the bill.

B – I am playing football.

C – She is cooking a meal.

D – We are walking in the square. E – They are having breakfast.

1 Resposta


A) She is reading the book

B) You are washing the dishes

C) We are studying Portuguese

D) They are having money

E) He is doing the homework


A) He pays the bill

B) I play football

C) She cooks a meal

D) We walk in the square

E) They have breakfast


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