
Match 1-6 with a-f. 1 commitICHаa thief2 breakbsome money3 robca crime4 steald into a house5

Match 1-6 with a-f.1 commit
a thief
2 break
some money
3 rob
ca crime
4 steal
d into a house
5 catch
e corruption
6 investigate
a store
2 a; 3 b; 4 e; 5 d; 6f
2 d; 3 b; 4 f; 5 a; 6 e
2 e; 3 f 4 b; 5 a; 6 d
2 d; 3 f; 4 b; 5 a, 6 e
2 a; 3 b; 4 f; 5,d; 6 e

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