
Leia o texto e resolva as questões What is a coronavirus? - Elizabeth CoxFor almost a decade, scientists


- Inglês

Leia o texto e resolva as questõesWhat is a coronavirus? - Elizabeth Cox
For almost a decade, scientists chased the source of a deadly new virus throughChina's tallest mountains
and most isolated caverns. They finally found it here: in thebats of Shitou Cave. The virus in question was
a coronavirus that caused an epidemicof severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, in 2003.(...)
When an infected person coughs, droplets containing the virus spray out. The virus caninfect a new
person when the droplets enter their nose or mouth. Coronavirusestransmit best in enclosed spaces,
where people are close together.

1. O pronome THAT, na penúltima linha do primeiro parágrafo, se refere a ...
A () caverns.
B. () epidemic.
C. ( severe.
D. ( coronavirus.

2. O pronome WHEN, no início do segundo parágrafo dá uma ideia de:
A ( tempo.
B. () lugar.
C ( pressa.
D. () alegria.​

1 Resposta


1) Letra "d" Coronavírus

2) Letra"a" Tempo.

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