
Leia o texto atentamente Sandra always gets up t 5:30 and (to have) breakfast. She often (to eat) eggs


- Inglês

Leia o texto atentamente Sandra always gets up t 5:30 and (to have) breakfast. She often (to eat) eggs and drinks her favorite juice, pineapple. After she (to go) to the college. But she likes watermelon juice too. In the afternoons, Sandra and her mother, Sarah, (stay) at home. They (to be) hair stylists and work in their home. At night they like to watch comedy series. Sandra want to be an actress, so on Saturdays (to have) dancing and singing lessons. But Sandra never forgets that the school is very important to have successful. She (to study) hardly and ever passes in her exams. 1. A sequência de flexões verbais correta para completar as lacunas é: a. Has, eats, goes, stay, are, has, studies b. Have, eats, goes, stay, are, have, study c. Has, eats, go, stays, is, has, studies d. Has, eat, goes, stays, is, has, studies

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