
Indique se a frase está usando a primeira, segunda ou terceira condicional, após isso, separe as frases


- Inglês

Indique se a frase está usando a primeira, segunda ou terceira condicional, após isso, separe as frases em condicional e principal: isso, separe as frases em condicional e principal:

A- If it snows, I Will stay at home with my family.

B- If they had seen you, you would have died.

C- If I had enough time, I would study Spanish.

D- If the weather was fine, the team will train.

E- I would tell her about It if I were you.

F- If I had studied, I would have passed the test.

G- Mary Will visit you if she have time.

H- They would have complained if we hadn’t played.

I- If she arrives safely, we Will make a donation to charity.

J- If I had lots of money, I would buy a big house.

K- If I go to London, I Will buy an English guidebook.

L- we would have bought a new car If we had saved some money.

M- If you take a coat with you, you will not be cold at night.

N- I would have gotten wet If it had rained.

O- If you were me, you wouldn’t spend that money on clothes.

P- Carla Will have more money if she work hard.

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