
Escreva os verbos colocando eles no passado simples. I the class .(like)We all the night.( Dance)Wanda

Escreva os verbos colocando eles no passado simples. I the class .(like)
We all the night.( Dance)
Wanda a long time.( Work)
Lisa all over the School.(walk)
Gilbertoin the pool.(jump)

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I Liked the class .(like)

We Danced all the night.( Dance)

Wanda Worked a long time.( Work)

Lisa Walked all over the School.(walk)

Gilberto Jumped in the pool.(jump)

⇒⇒  Regular verbs / Verbos regulares⇒⇒ Verbos regulares  >>  A maioria dos verbos em inglês são regulares e terminam sempre em 'ed' quando estão no passado, seguindo as regras.


decided - called - smiled - studied - tried - watched - washeddecidiu - chamou - sorriu - estudou - tentou - assistiu - lavou

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Escreva os verbos colocando eles no passado simples.

I the class .(like)
We all the night.( Dance)

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Error description: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ed' quando estão no passado, seguindo as regras.</p><p>E' at line 2

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