
Complete o texto com o passado simples dos verbos entre parênteses.Siga o exemplo dos primeiros parênteses.Marie


- Inglês

Complete o texto com o passado simples dos verbos entreparênteses.

Siga o exemplo dos primeiros parênteses.

Marie Curie WAS (be) a physicist and a chemist. She

(begin) her studies in Poland but in 1891 she

(leave) for France. She (study-REG) there

and later (work-REG) as a scientist at the Sorbonne

in Paris. She (meet) and (marry-REG) a

French scientist, Pierre Curie. They (have) two

children, Irene and Ewa. Maria and Pierre

(discover-REG) two radioactive elements, radium

and polonium. Pierre (die-REG) in 1906 in an accident

in Paris. Maria (get) two Nobel Prizes, in 1903 and in

1911. She (die-REG) in 1934.

2- Retire do texto e escreva na tabela abaixo os verbos:


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