
Complete as frases com o verbo que está faltando . Depois faça a negativa e interrogativa usando o


- Inglês

Complete as frases com o verbo que está faltando . Depois faça a negativa e interrogativa usando o do e don’t / does e doesn’t.1- we a lot.(work)

2- she um my beedrom. ( sleep).

3- you soccer very well .( play ).

4-it very high. ( fly).

5- Carlos a lot. ( work).

6- They TV all day long. ( Watch).

7- she my Car. ( Wash).

8- i to the club alone. ( go ).

9- he to school by bus. ( go).

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1 Resposta

Legenda: N para negativa e I para interrogativa.

1. We work a lot

N: We don't work a lot.

I: Do we work a lot?

2. She sleeps in my bedroom.

N: She doesn't sleep in my bedroom.

I: Does she sleep in my bedroom?

3. You play soccer very well.

N: You don't play soccer very well.

I: Do you play soccer very well?

4. It flies very high.

N: It does not fly very high.

I: Does it fly very high?

5. Carlos works a lot.

N: Carlos does not work a lot.

I: Does Carlos work a lot?

6. They watch TV all day long.

N: They do not watch TV all day long.

I: Do they watch TV all day long?

7. She washes my car.

N: She doesn't wash my car.

I: Does she wash my car?

8. I go to the club alone.

N: I don't go to the club alone.

I: Do I go to the club alone?

9. He goes to school by bus.

N: He does not go th school by bus.

I: Does he go to school by bus?

Se gostou, da obrigado e sua nota. E marca como melhor resposta, se achar que é a melhor, isso ajuda muito. Thank you!

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Error description: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't work a lot.</p><p>I: Do we work a lot?</p><p>2. She sl' at line 2

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