
Atividade: 1 1) Reescreva as frases a seguir no Passsado Contínuo na forma negativa,observe o modelo:Modelo:


- Inglês

Atividade: 1 1) Reescreva as frases a seguir no Passsado Contínuo na forma negativa,
observe o modelo:
Modelo: The teacher (he / she) was not (wasn’t) correcting the exercises.
The cats were not (weren’t) sleeping in the garage.
a) The boys were playing in the park.
b) Bob and his father were working in a factory.
c) She was studying for the exam last night.
d) The students were doing their homework in the morning.
e) I was reading a good book
f) You were dancing in the party.
2) Reescreva as frases no Passado Continuo na forma Interrogativa, observe o
modelo abaixo:
Modelo: Were You dancing in the party?
Was she going to the beach alone?
a) The dogs were barking very much yesterday night.
b) Bob and Sarah were tavelling to Miami.
c) They were eating a sandwich.
d) Mary was feeling very happy.
e) It was raining hard outside.
Atividade 2: Utilizando as fontes de pesquisa que melhor lhe convém, traduza os
substantivos a seguir:
São partes do Corpo Humano:
Cabeça- Braço - Perna- Pescoço-
Costa - Ombros- Peito - Pé -
Cabelo - Olhos - Boca - Orelha-
Mão - Nariz - Coxa - Labios -
Dedo da mão- Dedo do pé- Dente- Lígua

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