
3) Which alternative indicates the correct use of the studied Relative Pronouns? a) WHICH (things)b) WHOSE


- Inglês

3) Which alternative indicates the correct use of the studied Relative Pronouns? a) WHICH (things)
b) WHOSE (people and things) possession
c) THAT (people and things)
d) WHO (people)
e) All alternatives
4) What is the plural of: "yourself" and "himself / herself / itself"?
a) yourselves and himselves/ herselves/ itselves
b) yourselfs and hims/ hers/ its
c) yourselves and themselves
5) In portuguese what are the linking words called?
a) Conjunções
b) Palavras de ligação
c) Conjecturas
d) Todas as alternativas
6) "If I go to Paris, I will buy an French guidebook." This sentence is:
a) First Conditional
b) Second Conditional
c) None of them
7) "If they were rich, they would buy a fancy farm." This sentence is:
a) First Conditional
b) Second Conditional
c) None of them
8) The translation of the linking words: also, then nevertheless and therefore, respectively is:
a) além do que, então assim, mesmo assim e portanto assim
b) além de, então que, mesmo que e portanto que
c) além, então, mesmo e portanto d) além disso, então, mesmo assim e portanto

1 Resposta


All alternatives


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