
2. Write the correct “ing” verb in the blank: ( Escreva no espaço em branco a forma correta do


- Inglês

2. Write the correct “ing” verb in the blank: ( Escreva no espaço em branco a forma correta do verbo com ING ) :1-John was ___drinking coffee (drink) . 2.They were (read). 3.We were for Easter eggs (hunt). 4.Mom was (exercise). 5. I was Easter eggs (paint).
3. Negative form. Fill in the blanks with WAS NOT / WERE NOT:
( Forma Negativa . Preencha os espaços em branco com WAS NOT/ WERE NOT ):
1.The dog __WAS NOT___ barking. 2. I eating candy. 3.They laughing. 4.Itsnowing.
5. We watching TV.
4. Make a question.
Fill in the blank with “Was/ WERE” and an “ing” verb ):
( Faça uma pergunta .Preencha os espaços em branco com WAS/WERE e o verbo entre parênteses com ING ):
1.__Were they __eating___ dinner? (eat) 2. I to music? (listen) 3. it ? (snow) 4. we TV? (watch) 5. youEaster eggs? (paint)

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