
2 Complete sentence with the correct form of the verb. (Complete a frase com a formacorreta do verbo).*Jenny

2Complete sentence with the correct form of the verb. (Complete a frase com a forma
correta do verbo).*

Jenny (1 get up)at 6, she (2 check)
her messages on her bed. She
(3 go)
to the bathroom where she (4 brush)
her teeth and (5 take)
a shower. After the shower, she (6 get dressed)
Then she always
(7 wake)
her brother up at 7. At 7:15 Jenny and her brother (8 have)
breakfast together and they (9 go)
to the bus stop. They (10 get)
the bus at 7:45 and They (11) arrive)
at school at 8.
get up
gets up
getes up​

1 Resposta


1) Wake up/ Gonna be

2)cooks/ will burn

4)won´t be

5) will get

6) will get fat

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