
1. Read the text and circle the best option Valerie: What would you do if you (have / had) the next week

1. Read the text and circle the best option Valerie: What would you do if you (have / had) the next week off?

Carl: Oh, so many things! First, I (would sleep / slept) until 1 PM. I wake up so early everyday, and I really don’t like it.

Valerie: Me too! I have to wake up every day at 6 AM. And I always go to bed so late. I wish i (have / had) more time to sleep.

Carl: Then, I think I (‘ve traveled / ‘d travel.) I wish all my friends (have / had) the week off too. So, we would travel to my beach house. It (would be / was awesome!)

2 Choose the best option

a) Sheila studying English for 5 years now
( ) has been ( )was

My father to Los Angeles last January.
( ) has gone ( ) wen

c) When I was a child, I fruit.
( ) haven’t eat ( ) didn’t eat

Tina never a Spider-man movie.
( ) has seen ( ) didn’t see

3. Read the e-mail below and complete the gaps with the appropriate tense of the
verb in parentheses.

Hey Bill,
Sorry for not replying before, my internet access is not good, so I (BE) offline for a while now. When I (BE) a student, I went to St. Barnabas, inMaine. I (VISIT) my old school recently, to see the place andmy teachers. I (NOT SEE) a lot of my old teachers, only Ms. Williams, my Englis teacher. She was one of my favorite teachers and I’m glad I could meet her again. We (GO) to the snack bar near school to talk. She (TELL) me everything was different: the school bus doesn’t work anymore, part of the playground was renovated. I think you’ll love studying there. It’s still a good school, with great teachers.

4 Fill in the spaces with the words from the box

concerned – forecast – climate – nothing – tsunamis – give

Sarah: I’ve just seen the news. Everything is a disaster. The is changing, and this is not good. There are tornados, earthquakes, all over the world. I’mreally concerned about that.

John: I didn’t see it. I only saw the weather . It’s going to be rainy this weekend. That means I’ll stay home watching my series all the time

Sarah: Oh, c’mon, me a break! Aren’t you about theclimate change?

John: Honestly? No, I’m not! There’s I can do about it. The only thing Ican do is watch my series, and, this weekend I’ll have all the time I need.

5. Read the text below and mark T (True) or F (False).

I’m 25 years old now. I miss when I was 10, because everything was different. Here are someexamples of it:

1) I used to study in the mornings and go to guitar class after school. Now, I don’t have
guitar class anymore, because I’ve finished my course;

2) I used to play video games every day, at Jim’s, my best friend. Now, I only play
video games on the weekends.

3) I didn’t use to spend hours in my cell phone. Actually, I didn’t have a cell phone!

4) I used to ride a bike to go everywhere. Now, I drive a car, or walk to places.

5) I hated taking a shower. So, my mother used to yell at me almost every day.
Now, I have to take at least 3 showers a day!

a) He didn’t use to go to guitar class before school. T / F

b) He plays video game every day. T / F

c) He had a cell phone. T / F

d) He used to ride a bike to go to places. T / F

e) He used to hate taking a shower. T / F

1 Resposta


1 - a. should advice, recomendation.
b. must/ have to necessity, obrigation.

2- had to 

3- My teachers and the books I read it is important for me to find my passion and follow it.​

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