
1. Fill in the blanks with a suitable modal verb, classifying the meaning of the sentence: 1 = ability2


- Inglês

1. Fill in the blanks with a suitable modal verb, classifying the meaning of the sentence:1 = ability
2 = permission
3 = possibility
4 = prohibition
5 = Obligation
6= advice

a) We have a long way to drive. We…………………… eat before leaving. ( )
b) Nancy is in Paris now. She …….……………. visit the Eiffel Tower. ( )
c) Violets ………………………. be watered every day, only once a week. ( )
d) Pat and Joe don’t love each other. They …………………………… get married. ( )
e) ………………………… I have an ice-cream, dad? ( )
f)……………………… we do the math exercise now, teacher? We don’t have anything to do. ( )
g) That scratch on your arm is getting worse. You …………………… have taken better care of it. ( )
h) William has been unemployed for six months now. He …………………… have accepted the job he was offered. ( )
i) He …………………………… have hurt his fingers. ( )
j) A: My eyes are sore and swollen.
B: You really ……………………………. sleep at least 12 hours non-stop. ( )
k) I …………………………………… get to the bank before it closes if I hurry. ( )
l) My team ……………………….. lose the next game, or else it’ll be out of the championship. ( )
m) Your father has been out of work for some months. It……………….. be hard for your family. ( )
n) You don’t need to be a genius to Know that you……………………… ( ) smoke in an elevator.

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