
1. Complete the sentences in The Simple Present Tense. a) Mandy and I every week. (not to talk) b)


- Inglês

1. Complete the sentences in The Simple Present Tense.a) Mandy and I every week. (not to talk)

b) Julia TV series every night. (not to watch)

c) Josh basketball every time? {to play)

d) you around the Jacarey Lake every day? (to run)

e) you on Saturdays? (to work)

f) Louise a new purse every year. (not to buy)

g) My brother in a bank. (not to work)

h) Hannah in London? (to live)

i)They Portuguese very well. (not to speak)

j) you English every day? (to study)

2. Translate the itens from question 1

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a) don't talk.

b) doesn't watch.

c) do / plays.

d) do / run.

e) do / work.

f) doesn't buy.

g) doesn't work.

h) do / lives.

i) don't speak.

j) do / study.


a) Mandy e eu não conversamos toda semana.

b) Julia não assiste séries de TV toda noite.

c) Josh joga basquete toda vez?

d) Você corre ao redor do Lago Jacarey todo dia?

e) Você trabalha nos sábados?

f) Louise não compra uma bolsa nova todo ano.

g) Meu irmão não trabalha em um banco.

h) Hannah mora em Londres?

i) Eles não falam Português muito bem.

j) Você estuda inglês todo dia?

Espero ter ajudado, se puder marcar como melhor resposta agradecerei muito :D

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Error description: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't talk.</p><p>b) doesn't watch.</p><p>c) do / plays.<' at line 2

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