
1. Complete com AM, ARE ou IS: a) i From England.b) it a big school.c) She my friend.d) we in London.e)


- Inglês

1. Complete com AM, ARE ou IS:a) i From England.
b) it a big school.
c) She my friend.
d) we in London.
e) He a student.
f) you a tennis player.
g) Tom a baby.
h) Sue and I Students.
i) They my parents.

2. Passe as frases para a forma NEGATIVA:

a) I am 20 years old.
b) Mr. Clark is a policeman
c) It is a big cat.
d) Peter and I are happy.

3. Passe as frases para a forma INTERROGATIVA:

a) My sister is tall.
b) Bruno is a doctor.
c) The Boy are happy.
d) I am Hungry.

4. Complete as perguntas usando WHEN ou WHERE. Depois correlacione as perguntas com as respostas:

1. is Christmas Eve?
2. is London?
3. is Austria?
4. is Saint Valentine's Day?
5. is The Louvre Museum?

( ) It's on February 14th.
( ) It's in England.
( ) It's in Paris.
( ) It's on December 24th.
( ) It's in Europe.

1 Resposta


a) Is my sister tall?

b) Is Bruno a doutor?

c) Are the boys are happy?

d) am I hungry?

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