
CIILE ERD ERROR OF THE VERNIER CALIPER b) Figures 1 and 2 below presents the main scales and Vemier scales


- Enem

CIILE ERD ERROR OF THE VERNIER CALIPER b) Figures 1 and 2 below presents the main scales and Vemier scales of dillerent Mernier Calipers. Lentily the type ol' zero error in each figure. . NE WIE L. ! !!! ngun 2 2) Delemuine the magnitude of the least count of the given Vemier Calipers in question (1). Show your procedure. 3) Dulemine the value of each zero error in question (1). Show your pricedure. MTE-THR group work. The work is to be marked out of 20 marks.

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