
Simple Past - Nas frases negativas e interrogativas, o tempo verbal é indicado pelo uso do auxiliar did,


- Inglês

Simple Past - Nas frases negativas e interrogativas, o tempo verbal é indicado pelo uso do auxiliar did, já que o verbo principal é utilizado no infinitivo sem o to. Nas frases afirmativas, os verbos regulares terminam em –ed e os irregulares possuem sua forma própria.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas I, II e III das frases a seguir: a) He (I) me a favor 2 months ago.
b) They (II) an attempt to escape.
c) I (III) an important decision last night.

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1- I learnt about simple past last week.
2- I told with you last year.
3- I was sick.
4- You were my best friend.
5- I did my homework yesterday.


1- I didn't learn about simple past last week.
2- I didn't tell with you last year
3- I wasn't sick.
4-You weren't my best friend.
5- I didn't do my homework yesterday.

1- did you learn about simple past last week?
2- did you tell me last year?
3- Were you sick?
4- Were you my best friend?
5- Did you do your homework? ​

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