
Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Then, correct the false sentences. (Marque um X no WILLSpontaneous


- Inglês

Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Then, correct the false sentences. (Marque um X noWILL
Spontaneous decision I think I'll go to bad
-Offer - I'll carry that for you
-Promise- Don't worry, I'll be there at 8.
- Threat - Ill call the police!
-Refusal. I won't listen to this!
Predictions - The Democrats will win the election
Previous Plan - I'm going to Paris next spring
Evidence - By the look of those clouds. I'm sure it is going
to rain
Predictions - You are going to marry a rich person
verdadeiro ou falso de acordo com o texto. Depois, corrija as sentenças falsas.)
a) Peter is going to visit a friend in Brazil.
b) Carla will help Samuel at his house.
c) Tom is not going to go trekking in the afternoon. Because Bob is afraid.
d) Bob thinks it is not a good idea to go trekking in the afternoon, because
it is going to rain​

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