
2. I’m in love with two girls. One is very beautiful but has no money, the other is ugly and has lots of


- Inglês

2. I’m in love with two girls. One is very beautiful but has no money, the other is ugly and has lots of money. Who I marry?– Well, I’m sure that you really love the beautiful one, so I think you marry her, because money be all in your life.– OK, thank you very much for your advice.– Don’t mention it. By the way, I wonder if you could give me the name and telephone number of the other girl? Escolha uma opção abaixo para completar o texto. should – must – should – shouldn`t
must – must – should – shouldn`t
shouldn`t¬ – must – must – should
shouldn`t¬ – mustn`t – must – should
shouldn`t¬ – must – mustn`t – mustn`t

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